Teaching news

Walailak University Bids Farewell to Exchange Students, Celebrating a Semester of Global Learning and Friendship

On December 16, 2023, Walailak University President, Prof. Dr. Sombat Thamrongthanyawong, gathered with WUIC Vice Dean and CIA Director to bid a heartfelt farewell to the remarkable individuals who have enriched our campus for the past four months. As we reflect on a semester filled with shared knowledge, cultural exploration, and unforgettable moments, we celebrate the diverse contributions of 22 exchange students hailing from four esteemed universities: Nürtingen-Geislingen University, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, and BEIBU GULF UNIVERSITY.

Walailak University Bids Farewell to Exchange Students, Celebrating a Semester of Global Learning and Friendship
Walailak University Bids Farewell to Exchange Students, Celebrating a Semester of Global Learning and Friendship
Walailak University Bids Farewell to Exchange Students, Celebrating a Semester of Global Learning and Friendship

Throughout the semester, WUIC and the Center for International Affairs collaborated to organize a myriad of activities, both academic and cultural, ensuring a holistic experience for our guests. From the outset, orientation sessions set the tone for a journey of discovery, where academic pursuits seamlessly merged with cultural immersion.

Walailak University Bids Farewell to Exchange Students, Celebrating a Semester of Global Learning and Friendship
Walailak University Bids Farewell to Exchange Students, Celebrating a Semester of Global Learning and Friendship

WUIC orchestrated numerous activities beyond the classrooms, transcending borders and creating an environment where learning knows no boundaries. From captivating study trips to Phomkiri, where the natural beauty of Thailand unfolded, to the eco-tourism adventure at Ban Lam, our exchange students not only expanded their academic horizons but also embraced the wonders of this vibrant country.

Walailak University Bids Farewell to Exchange Students, Celebrating a Semester of Global Learning and Friendship
Walailak University Bids Farewell to Exchange Students, Celebrating a Semester of Global Learning and Friendship

Academic engagement was fostered through language lessons with Aj.Tangkwa, Accounting, and Leadership sessions with visiting professors, providing a rich and diverse learning experience. These activities were not merely about acquiring knowledge but about fostering a deep understanding and appreciation for different cultures and perspectives.

As we bid farewell to our exchange students, we recognize the profound impact they've had on our community. The friendships formed, the insights shared, and the cultural exchange that has taken place are the threads that weave together the fabric of our global community.

Walailak University Bids Farewell to Exchange Students, Celebrating a Semester of Global Learning and Friendship
Walailak University Bids Farewell to Exchange Students, Celebrating a Semester of Global Learning and Friendship

On behalf of Walailak University, Dean of WUIC extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved in making this semester a resounding success. The bridges built during this time will endure, connecting us across borders and reminding us that the pursuit of knowledge knows no boundaries.

Walailak University Bids Farewell to Exchange Students, Celebrating a Semester of Global Learning and Friendship